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Method of Performing Tayammum

Make Niyyah (solemn intention) in your heart and your mind:

I am doing Tayammum in place of Wudhu (or Ghusl), for the pleasure of Allah and to seek closeness to Him.

1. Then, Strike the palms of both hands simultaneously on earth, sand, or stone (in order of preference) which is dry and clean.

2. Pull both palms together from the beginning of the forehead where the hair grows down to the bridge of the nose. Both sides of the forehead joining the ears and over the eyebrows should be included.


3. Then pull the left palm on the whole back of the right hand from the wrist bone to the fingertips.

4. Then pull the right palm on the whole back of the left hand.

5. Strike the palms together upon a valid surface a second time as in Step 1.

6. Repeat Step 3.

7. Repeat Step 4.