Shia Salaah

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Salaatul Ayat (Long Version)

Ṣalaatul Ayat consists of two rakʿahs, and in each rakʿah there are five rukoo’s. 

The method of performing the prayer is as follows: 

First make the intention [of performing the prayer], 

Recite the Takbir, 

Recites one Sūrah al-Fatihah and one other complete surah, go into rukoo, and then raises your head from rukoo; then, again recites one Sūrah al-Fatihah and one other complete surah, go into rukoo again, and so on until you have done this a total of five times. 

After getting up from the fifth rukoo, perform two sajdahs, stand up, and proceed to perform the second rakʿah in the same way as the first; then recite tashahhud and the salām of the prayer.